
Karl Barth and Evangelical Theology: Convergences and Divergences is unavailable, but you can change that!

Karl Barth and Evangelical Theology explores the convergences and divergences between the theology of Karl Barth and historic evangelical faith, and on that basis presents ways for evangelicals to dynamically engage with Barth’s theology. It is a balanced appraisal of Barth’s theology from a solidly evangelical perspective and features contributions by many leading theologians, including Alister...

to his emphasis on the universal dimension of God’s love and grace, he can be identified as an Arminian theologian. In Barth’s doctrine of election, we can find both Calvinistic and Arminian tendencies.32 3.4 Jesus Christ as the electing God One of the most innovative aspects of Barth’s doctrine of election lies in his argument that Jesus Christ is not only the Object of election but also the Subject of election. In other words, Jesus Christ is not only the elected man but also the electing God. Barth
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